Author Duties

Research Criteria

The researcher must adhere to the publishing instructions and controls approved in the journal and the method of writing the research and ensure the availability of solid research standards, including clarity of the research objective, presenting the results accurately and sequentially, and discussing these results in a way that achieves the research objectives. The research must not contain the results of others’ research, and the researcher must sign a pledge to do so.



The researcher must avoid plagiarism or quoting the phrases or ideas of others and including them as if they were the researcher’s work, or quoting without indicating the source from which it is quoted. All research is subject to a plagiarism detection program (Turnitin) before sending it to reviewers and granting approvals for publishing research.


Multiple, simultaneous, or redundant publishing

The researcher is obligated not to send his research to another journal or another party after submitting the research to the journal. Otherwise, he will violate publishing instructions, and he will bear responsibility for that.



Specific names must be mentioned for the researchers, and one of them must be appointed as a follow-up coordinator with the journal. The journal is not obligated to repeat the research and its financial dues if it is rejected by the reviewers. The researcher or researchers must take into consideration all the reviewer's comments while adhering to the standards of publication in the journal.