Research Evaluation and Reviewer Responsibility

Contribution to editorial decisions

Through the peer-reviewing process, reviewers help the editorial staff make the appropriate decision regarding the research submitted to the journal, and might help the author make the paper better.



Any chosen referees who understands they are not qualified to review the research presented in a manuscript or that they will not be able to review it quickly should inform the editor and decline to continue with the review process.



Research referees are required to deal confidentially with research sent to them and may not be disclosed or discussed with others except the editor-in-chief of the journal or his representative.


Standards of objectivity

Adopting objective standards in reviewing and going beyond personal criticism of the researcher. The review must be supported by clear opinions with scientific arguments and documentation and comply with the journal’s publishing standards.


Acknowledgment of sources

The reviewer must submit a detailed report to the editorial board if the researcher does not adhere to the publishing regulations and standards in the journal and ensure the integrity of the citation of sources. Accordingly, the editor-in-chief must be aware of any similarity or Overlap between the research under review and other published research.